Custom Homes and Production Homes Solutions

Our structured wiring provides the foundation for increased profit through option sales and add-on revenues.  We provide sales support and training to home owners in your model home or design center. We partner with national, regional and local home builders.

tech checking connection of data cables

Reliable Home Technology has relationships with many home builders and developers of the Denver Metro Area,  and the Colorado Front Range.  We work closely with builders, superintendents and consumers through all stages of the construction process.  We are committed to satisfying all your requested wiring and audio/video requirements.

Our Services

We provide service, installation and products to home buyers and home builders.

woman panel touch screen temperature

Home Automation. Smart Home Technology

In an age where digital experiences dominate, the way we handle financial transactions has undergone a remarkable evolution. At Startup, we’re shaping the narrative of seamless payments that resonate with the pulse of the digital era.

Smart Home Security Systems

In an age where digital experiences dominate, the way we handle financial transactions has undergone a remarkable evolution. At Startup, we’re shaping the narrative of seamless payments that resonate with the pulse of the digital era.

woman security touch screen

Araknis networks access point

Hardwired and Wireless Solutions

Switches -reliable systems, wireless access points -strong signals, routers – quick connections. Exclusive networking products expertly engineered to deliver best-in-class performance and support a wide variety of networking needs. You’ll get supreme dependability, even in the most demanding environments.

Home Builder Solutions. Custom and Production Homes

In an age where digital experiences dominate, the way we handle financial transactions has undergone a remarkable evolution. At Startup, we’re shaping the narrative of seamless payments that resonate with the pulse of the digital era.

tech checking connection of data cables

Home theater big screen TV room

Home Theater and A/V Solutions

In an age where digital experiences dominate, the way we handle financial transactions has undergone a remarkable evolution. At Startup, we’re shaping the narrative of seamless payments that resonate with the pulse of the digital era.

Home Builder Solutions. Custom and Production Homes

In an age where digital experiences dominate, the way we handle financial transactions has undergone a remarkable evolution. At Startup, we’re shaping the narrative of seamless payments that resonate with the pulse of the digital era.

tech checking connection of data cables

Central vacuum vac pan

Central Vacuum Systems

Convenience, Enhanced Indoor Air Quality, Home Improvement and Healthier Living are all reasons that come to mind when deciding on a central vacuum system. Up to five times more powerful than conventional vacuums, a central vacuum system removes 100% of contacted dirt, dust, pollen and other allergens from living areas to significantly reduce allergy suffering. 

Home Builder Solutions. Custom and Production

In an age where digital experiences dominate, the way we handle financial transactions has undergone a remarkable evolution. At Startup, we’re shaping the narrative of seamless payments that resonate with the pulse of the digital era.

tech checking connection of data cables